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ACCI is a group who want to organize fun activities next to their studies. They organize various activities, catered to a wide range of people, from a pubquiz to fun weekends away with members of Thor. Everyone has the opportunity to join these activities and have some fun with fellow Thor members next to studying. The activities are conceived by ACCI members themselves and they can choose almost anything they want, creativity is encouraged here! 

In short: ACCI organizes activities for every Electrical Engineering and Automotive Technology student to have some relaxation from studying.


Aegir is responsible for the organization of the big parties at Stratumseind. Our goal is to organise two or three awesome parties a year. One of those parties is always after the actieveledendag. We come up with a cool theme for the party and with that theme, we think of the decoration and interpretation of that night. The first two parties of Aegir where the Masquerade party where everyone wore masks and Alice in Donderland where we took you to the magical land of Shots.
Music and Beer. Diamonds are Forever, LED's Party, Death Star Disco, Mario Party! and LED it Snow! are the themes of the other parties we have organised. 

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This committee which consists of 4 to 6 people, organizes a study trip to a country inside Europe. These tours last a few days to a week and are focused at getting acquainted with the business structures over there as well as getting in touch with other cultures. The committee plans the cultural tours and arranges the company visits. Another important part of the organization is fundraising. It is a major task of the committee to contact companies for sponsoring.

The committee is currently organising a trip to Denmark, click here for more information.

For information about some previous study tours, have a look at


The CEB is a committee to support the Board. When the Board doesn't have a Commissioner of External Affairs, the tasks normally carried out by the commissioner are often transferred to this committee. The main goal of both the Commissioner and the committee is to maintain the current relations with companies and establish new ones. 


The CoCo is the committee that is in charge of the computers, servers and a lot of the digital systems that exist within Thor. They are responsible for the hardware, software and server accounts.

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On November 28th, Thor has its Dies Natalis. To celebrate this anniversary, a week full of educational and entertaining activities is organized. The activities vary from an excursion to a dinner, from a big party at Het Walhalla to a beer cantus. Generally, the previous Board takes place in the Dies Committee.



DisCo is the DJ committee of Thor. We organize small parties in Het Walhalla and DJ at bigger parties e.g. Het Feest. For these parties in Het Walhalla we try to put our committee name or Thor in the name of the party e.g The Thor Merch Party. Which is a party where everyone wears Thor merch clothing, this was also the first event we organized in Het Walhalla. We are going to organize one party every quartile. We also have “social events” were we gonna chill and DJ. These internal events are also the place where we learn you to DJ, so you don’t need to have any DJ experience to join us.


EduCo is the education committee of e.t.s.v. Thor. It was created to take up the tasks of the Commissioner of Education for the year 2023/2024. They represent the association at meetings with the department and university and organize activities for members such as exam training!



The FoodCo does exactly what it's name implies: provide food for members of Thor!

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The FotoCo does what the name implies, taking pictures.

They are represented at all Thor activities to capture the moment using the committee's own DSLR. These  pictures are then sorted and posted on the website. So in short, it is one of the fun and easy committees to take place in. It does however give you the possibility to learn and experience taking pictures with a proper DSLR, whilst you can still enjoy the activities of Thor with the addition of all the funy poses Thor members strike in front of a camera!



Garmr is the committee that is responsible for maintaining and connecting software within the association.


Ivaldi is the committee for activities organized by our first year students for out first year students!

Ivaldi organizes around five or six events each year. Each year, there are at least 2 returning events, the so-called ‘Open House Day” and ‘Ivaldi party’. During the open house day, parents of first year students are able to see what their children are doing on the university. They will attend a lecture and afterwards they have to finish a lab exercise in which they are tested on the knowledge they have acquired during this lecture. After this hard day, they are able to complete their university experience by going to Het Walhalla, the pub of the department. 

The Ivaldi Party is an event in which students will be organising a party. However, it is not your average birthday as they will try to organise a party which is attended by students of all year within our association. Besides the ‘Open House Day’ and ‘Ivaldi Party’, we have a few more events that are organized, these events are different every year, because the creative minds of the students who are involved in this change every year. 

The Ivaldi is all about the creative minds of first-year students who are interested in organizing such events. During their time in Ivaldi, they will develop the skills which are needed for making an event succeed, such as planning, making a financial picture of the event, the promotion, making minutes and having meetings. There will be moments when everyone is stressed, but when they work together as a team, there isn’t a thing that can stand in their way. Everyone in the Ivaldi has a goal for his or her own, a goal to strive to and to challenge themselves, but their main goal would be to let as many students as possible attend their events.


A beautiful association like Thor also needs money. Every committee that spends money of Thor has a treasurer that is responsible for the bookkeeping of the committee. The treasurer of Thor (someone of the Board), is responsible of all the bookkeeping of Thor. As KasCo you are appointed by the members of Thor (at the General Members Meeting). The KasCo checks the whole bookkeeping of Thor, Het Walhalla and the master associations. You have an advisory role towards the association. Being KasCo for a year is a good opportunity to also learn about the financial world rather than just focusing on the engineering world.


Kvasir is the committee of Thor that organises events for Automotive and Electrical Engineering students in collaboration with companies. These events include excursions, workshops, lunch and pub lectures. The workshops focus on skills like writing your CV and how to present yourself to a company, but may also be of a more technical nature. The excursions and lectures show the job opportunities for students after graduation as well as possible internships, graduation projects and part-time jobs. 

As a member of Kvasir, you are tasked with the organisation of these events. You will make arrangements for the events as well as supervise the communication between Thor and the companies in question. Close contact with companies and the organisation of the events will lead to the development of skills such as planning, organising, communicating and presenting yourself.


The LANCo is the committee that organises a yearly LAN-party, called the TesLAN. The TesLAN is a weekend full of fun where people can connect through video games. Every year, the LAN-party takes place around the Christmas holiday and lasts 48 hours. The TesLAN has tourneys for the casual gamer such as Trackmania and Minecraft as well as tournaments for the enthusiastic and fanatic gamers with more competitive games like League of Legends and Counterstrike.

If you want to know more about the TesLAN please visit the website, or send an email to the LANCo.



Every fifth anniversary of Thor is called a lustrum. The celebration of a lustrum usually lasts a full month. A lustrum month is similar to a Dies week, but the difference is that during a lustrum month, much more activities are organised. The lustrum committee is divided into different parts. Each part is responsible for one or more activities during this lustrum, such as a gala and spectacular opening.

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The ReisCo, or study tour committee, is a committee of 6-8 people organizes a study tour to a country outside Europe. These tours last several weeks and are focused on getting acquainted with the business structures over there as well as getting in touch with other cultures. The committee plans the cultural tours and arranges the company visits.

Another important part of the organization is fundraising. A part of the trip is funded by the so-called case studies. The participants work for a company for a given time, which will sponsor the study tour in return. Next to that, companies usually sponsor the trip by other means.

All in all, the ReisCo is a committee which really helps students to widen their view. Both on their future career as well as on other cultures which they will possibly encounter in their future life.

For information about some previous study tours, have a look at


The SnowCo is responsible for the ski– and snowboard holiday of Thor, called WinThorsport. Every year the SnowCo organizes a week of skiing in the mountains with a big group of skiers/snowboarders. It doesn't matter whether you are very skilled or just started learning. The goal is to find the best skiing area with the best après ski possibilities.

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Always wanted to start sporting, but never knew where to start? The SportCo will (most likely) have an answer, this committee of Thor will focus on al kind of exercising activities; from physical to mental. From fitness together and even running the Batavierenrace to a game of chess, the SportCo will organize a range of activities.


Every year, during the introduction week, there will be a “Tapauto” of Thor. The “Tapauto” is an ordinary car that will be converted into one of the most iconic things of the introduction week. 

The goal of the car is to serve all the participants of beer (and soda) and to show that Thor is the coolest study association. So, to make that possible, a complete tap installation (cooling, kegs, beer taps, CO2) has to be built into the car. That is not all of it; also the exterior of the car has to be taken care of. The car will be painted in beautiful colors and the logos of Thor and some sponsors will be painted on it. This all takes about a week, if you spend approximately 6 hours a day. Most of the time this is done by the Board, but it is also possible for a committee to do this.    

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Student life is more than just studying. It's also about having lots of fun and instructive moments. This is the reason Thor organises a weekend for all the freshmen every year. The main focus of this weekend is teambuilding, partying and getting to know old and new members of Thor.


The TIC is the Thor Intro Committee. They organize the study association-part of the introduction week. 

Organizing the introduction week starts a half year before the intro, with making a planning and brainstorming for the activities, this includes the outdoor games and barbeque, the next important task is to make intro groups and find introparents. Finally, the TIC makes sure everything goes as much as possible as planned and that unexpected problems are solved as soon as possible. When joining the TIC, make sure you have enough time during the summer break.  



Tillit is the film committee of Thor. Just like the FotoCo, but with a higher FPS!

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Every member of Thor receives the Connecthor in his/her mailbox every quarter, but putting it together takes quite some time. Every issue, the TOCo, in partnership with the department of Electrical Engineering, puts quite some effort in creating a good-looking magazine. Prior to every release, about three meetings are organised. During these meetings, subjects for articles are chosen and a responsible person is assigned to each article. The person responsible for a specific topic doesn't have to write the article all by himself. He just has to take care that an article is written. This often involves asking another committee's members or participants of activities to write something about a particular activity.

The members of the TOCo check every article that is handed in for spelling and grammar mistakes. After all articles are reviewed, the editor assembles them into a complete magazine.Don't be afraid, you don't have to he a spelling guru to join the Connecthor editors. There are several tasks that don't involve checking for grammatical- or spelling errors, such as maintaining contact with the printing business, picking photographs, keeping writers to deadlines and so on. In the end, a member of the TOCo spends about one hour every week on his tasks for the TOCo, plus a peak around every deadline.Do you think the TOCo can need your help? Then don't hesitate and drop by at the Thor board-room.

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The name VéVilDin is a combination of Vé, Vili, and Odin, who are the three brothers that in Norse mythology were responsible for creating the first two humans. After naming them they also provided the two with some clothes before setting them loose to roam the world. This committee is not responsible for the way our members identify themselves, but they are proudly responsible for the merch of the association. Their focus rests on creating fun or useful clothing and accessories that are associable with Thor. In their clothing range, they strive to supply comfortable and affordable items that have been adjusted with a recognizable but also trendy reference to the association. These items range from socks to hoodies and beanies to sweatpants with the occasional iron-on patch or other miscellaneous accessories. 


Volundr is the old Norse name of Wayland the Blacksmith, but also name of the committee that organizes all kinds of practical workshops. 

The goal of Volundr is to teach students the practical sides of Electrical Engineering which are not taught in college. For example, Volundr organizes soldering workshops, PCB-Design workshops and other workshops testing your ingenuity and tinkering skills. If you like tinkering and the practical side of Electrical Engineering or Automotive and want to help others to learn these practical things as well, make sure you join Volundr.



The WaCo is a committee to support the Board. The tasks that are normally carried out by the Commissioner Walhalla and Treasurer of Het Walhalla. These task include ordering new supplies, making sure Het Walhalla is cleaned and handling the financials. The members often include Tappers or former Commissioners Walhalla.
The last people installed in the WaCo Committee were:


The website you are looking at right now didn't came online by itself. The WebCo designed this website and added a lot of nice features so it became the way it is.



Every year, the Wervingsdagen Committee organizes the most important career events of the TU/e, namely the Skill Sessions, the Career Expo, and the Interviewing Days. These events help students get ready for- and orient themselves at the job market.

Skill Sessions
The Skill Sessions consist of a week full of free workshops and trainings for every student of the TU/e. These workshops are aimed at helping you get ready for the job market by teaching you things such as how to prepare for a job interview, check your CV, and steer your own development.

Career Expo
At the Career Expo 150+ companies will visit the Auditorium building at the TU/e. These companies will present themselves through company stands and so-called “speeddates” with students. The Committee makes the selection of companies themselves and make sure that there’s something for every student at the Career Expo. Each year about 3500 students visit the Career Expo, making it the biggest career event of the TU/e.

Interviewing Days
The Interviewing Days are the third and last event the Wervingsdagen Committee organises. This event is aimed at third-year Bachelor-, Master- and PhD students. It is the perfect opportunity to get to know potential employers and even apply for a job. During the Interviewing Days you can talk with recruiters through personal one-on-one conversations, or have a lunch or dinner together with other students and two recruiters. New in 2018 are the Company Cases, during which you can learn what types of problems the company faces daily by solving one with a group of students.

Activists Committee
The Activists are a group of students from several different studies who organize a promotional event for the Career Expo. If you want to get to know people from other places at the university and organize cool promotional stunts then the Activist committee is the right thing for you!  You can contact Wervingsdagen to join the Activists by sending a mail to

Board ambitions?
Every year a group of students dedicates their time to organising the biggest and best career events of the TU/e. During a board year at the Wervingsdagen, you will:Interested in starting a new chapter in your (student) life? Be sure to send an email to or check out our website!


Some exceptional people are awarded with the "Superspeld", a honor only to those who were honorably discharged out of 7 committees.
We would like to express our greatest thanks to these people, for always being there for Thor! 

Our Zevenspeldenhelden are listed below: