The TIC is the Thor Intro Committee. They organize the study association-part of the introduction week. 

Organizing the introduction week starts a half year before the intro, with making a planning and brainstorming for the activities, this includes the outdoor games and barbeque, the next important task is to make intro groups and find introparents. Finally, the TIC makes sure everything goes as much as possible as planned and that unexpected problems are solved as soon as possible. When joining the TIC, make sure you have enough time during the summer break.  

Member Function
Simon Wessel Chair
Morgan van Tilburg Secretary, intro groups and volunteers
Thijs Lacquet Treasurer
Kauan Carvejani Planning
Mathieu Monnot
Gergely Fodor
Isabelle Cheng

Thor intro party

The Tuesday of the introduction week, we will organize a party on the TU/e campus. Together with (former) Thor members, introkiddos and parents!

Koeveld (in front of Auditorium)
Tuesday 20-08-2024
20:00 - 23:59

Intro volunteers 2024

Like every year, there will be an Introduction Week for all the new students who are going to study at the TU/e next year. In order to give those new students (kiddos) the week of their lives, we are looking for volunteers who will guide the activities on campus as smoothly as possible and to secure the safety of the participants and all the others who are around. The intro will take place from the 19.08 until the 23.08.

You can become a volunteer by filling in the form on this page. Don’t forget to denote when you are available.

On Tuesday from 17:00 onwards, we will need many volunteers for our party on the Koeveld. We only have around two hours to set up.

Thursday 01-08-2024

Volunteer Intro party Tuesday

Do you want to help build an incredible party during the intro? Thor is organizing a party on Tuesday evening on the 20th of August. For this we will need a lot of volunteers to build the party, do the age checks, bars and food during the party.

In the web form you can fill in:
  • How many shifts you would like?
  • Which shifts you would want to do?
  • Which type of volunteer you would like to be

For this keep into account that the party starts at 8, and the first shift will just be building the party which we will need a lot of volunteers.

If you have one or more shifts we will make sure you get free food and free drinks during the party.

Monday 12-08-2024