
Het Tappersgilde is the group of awesome people who make sure that Het Walhalla can open every weekday. Without them, you would not be able to enjoy a nice cold drink in the best bar in Eindhoven. Each day in Het Walhalla has its own team of Tappers who give that day its own personality. Come by for a drink and find out which day is your favourite! (Which would of course be all of them!)

Meeuwis van den Hoek
Marrit Jen Hong Li
Niek Brekelmans
Roel Wijnands
Noud Jacobs
Joost Visser
Mike Zanderink
Jasper Beerentemfel
Nick Verstegen
Lucia Kalkman
Twan Luijten
Gabriël Nusselder
Thom Copier
Norine Rijksen
Max van Berkel
Mathieu Monnot
Simon Wessel

Tappersopdracht Fintan: "Chihuahua Mr. Worldwide"

  Life is not a waste of time and time is not a waste of life. So let's stop wasting time and have the time of our life at my Tappersopdracht on the 2nd of October at Het Walhalla! As you might know I am an international, some even call me Mr. Worldwide. I am an American-Canadian citizen and was born in the heart of Germany, Berlin, so having blonde hair, blue eyes, and being white has helped me get to the place I am in today. I lived in Germany for 17 long years where I learned to follow orders and drink beer. I then moved to Bangkok, where I sadly did not bang any cock, man or woman’s. Everywhere I go, there are new stereotypes that are hurtful, this is not okay and it must stop! I would like to invite you to join me on a quest for internationalization and to put an end to stereotypes! For everyone going through tough times, believe me, been there, done that, but that will all change if you help me fight against prejudice and put an end to hate! 

Het Walhalla
Wednesday 02-10-2024
16:30 - 19:00