
The FotoCo does what the name implies, taking pictures.

They are represented at all Thor activities to capture the moment using the committee's own DSLR. These  pictures are then sorted and posted on the website. So in short, it is one of the fun and easy committees to take place in. It does however give you the possibility to learn and experience taking pictures with a proper DSLR, whilst you can still enjoy the activities of Thor with the addition of all the funy poses Thor members strike in front of a camera!

Meeuwis van den Hoek
Fer Radstake
Dana de Vreede
Max Winsemius
Laura Barendsz
Ronald Janssen
Lucia Kalkman
Jurgen Kok
Mart Philipsen
Koen Lintzen
Martijn Sips
Sterre Ruimerman
Romeu Longo Malinski
Andrei Ion
Daniel Joaquim Ho
Julie de Nooij
Max Schraven
Sanne van den Aker
Christian Zeidan
Michael Kooltjes
FotoCo logo v4_rond