Inactive Committees



The beer contract committee is tasked to arrange the beer contract for Het Walhalla for the years to come.



The Bonus Intro Thor committee is in charge of organizing parts of the Intro+. This Intro+ is specifically organized for second years students who hadn't gotten the chance to have a normal introduction week in their year.

HR en Statutencommissie

The HR-en-Statutencommissie is the committee of Thor which is tasked with updating the Internal Regulations and the Bylaws of our association.
For this, they really take a deep dive into the Dutch law to make sure all regulations comply with it. Besides that, they also have to know a lot about the association, as the Internal Regulations and especially the Bylaws form an important ground upon which a lot of things within the association are build.

Eventually, the work of this committee makes the life of a lot of member of Thor and especially the Board a lot easier, because the new regulations will be much more clear and up to date!



There is always happening a lot during a year. A bunch of new students joined Thor, a lot of activities took place and maybe some new traditions are added to Thor. The LuBo is responsible for the creation of the lustrum report of Thor. This book describes everything that happened within Thor during that year. As a member of the committee, you can choose a main subject of the book and you are responsible for the entire design and appearance of the book and, of course, all the texts. 

When the book is finished, it is distributed to all the members of Thor, old Board members and it’s given to relations. Your work will be read for years!


SkelThorCo is the committee that focuses on automotive activities. They are also building an electric skelter, which proves to be challenging. This committee is inactive at the moment.


One of the important activities Thor organizes is a symposium. The goal of this conference is to discuss the advancement of technologies on a specific research area. Concerning the theme of the day lectures, workshops, discussions and demonstrations are organized. The committee consists of 4-6 persons.The symposium takes a whole day and is focused around an upcoming technology and is full of interesting company presentations, sometimes it is extended with a case study or a workshop. The committee mainly plans the lectures, but also various different activities like a case study or a workshop. The symposium ends with a networking drink. The target audience varies from bachelor/master students, PhD students to faculty employees. Another important part of the organization is fundraising. It is the main task of the committee to contact companies for sponsoring, to find speakers and to promote the symposium.Are you interested in getting experience in professionally contacting companies and obtaining management skills? Then the Symposium committee might be good for you.A brief description of the general tasks of the committee is described below.  For information about the symposium itself have a look at

The last symposium has been organised as part of the lustrum of Thor by the following members:



The TetCo is the Tetris Committee. The TetCo has been tasked by e.t.s.v. Thor to repair and revise the Tetris matrix built during the first world record attempt. Under the leadership of the Tetris Committee a new design will be implemented and the existing hardware will be revised in such a way that a world record is feasible.The Tetris Committee is comprised of the following people.

For more information see


This committee is tasked with defining a long-term policy for Thor.


Committee that organizes a weekend for the second years that could not experience a ThEW due to the coronavirus



 The Walhalla Lustrum committee is tasked with organizing the 50th anniversary of our bar Het Walhalla. The 10th lustrum is from the April 25th until May 2nd 2024.



Since it is always nice to dress up and have a party a new committee has been created to organize a prom in the summer.