
Smart grids, Integrating Sustainable Renewable Energy

On the 6th of December 2017, an enthusiastic committee of the Electrical Engineering study association Thor organizes a symposium about Smart Grids, Integrating Sustainable Renewable Energy. The symposium will be interesting for bachelor, master, PhD students and even employees of the faculty and high tech companies. After the opening the symposium will consist of 7 lectures by companies and at the end there will be a case.  
For more information, visit our website.


Photonics, Key enabling technologies

 On the 2nd of December 2014, an enthusiastic committee of the Electrical Engineering study association Thor organizes a symposium about photonics, a key enabling technology. The symposium will be interesting for bachelor, master, PhD students and even employees of the faculty and high tech companies. After the opening the symposium will consist of 6 lectures by companies and at the end there will be a workshop.  
Photonics is a research field where operations are done with light, formally this felt in the domain of electronics. Photonics began as a research field in 1960 with the invention of the laser. Quickly other inventions with light followed like optical fibers and laser diodes, this made it possible for the telecommunication revolution in the 20th century.
Until the year 2000, photonics largely focused on light in telecommunications. The research field is much broader than only telecommunication. Today the research field also includes medical diagnostics, biological and chemical sensing and optical computing. Due to recent developments in photonics the research field keeps expanding.
The goal of this symposium is to give participants a broader insight in current research, especially to give an impression of the future of photonics. Because of the wide range of applications for photonics and its importance in the current and future society, it is a key enabling technology.
For more information, see our website.

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Entertainment Technology

On November 29th 2011, the Electrical Engineering study association Thor organized a conference on ‘Entertainment Technology: Improving the quality of life in virtual, augmented and physical reality’. The goal of this conference is to take a look at the progress, in particular the application, of technology originating from the game and film industry, and the influence it’s had on other sectors, ranging from health to art. Throughout the day, invited speakers will present examples of entertainment technology and their vision of the future.


HVDC, Power Transmission

On Tuesday April 4 a symposium on High Voltage DC will be organised by the electrical engineering study association “Thor”. During this day there will be eight lectures. Subjects include both technical as well as social issues. They will especially focus on the NorNed cable, connecting Norway and the Netherlands.

High Voltage Direct Current

Nowadays most of the power transmission is done by Alternating Current (AC). However in some cases it is more efficient to use Direct Current (DC). Long lines and cables form a capacitance; this capacitance causes large losses, a problem DC does not experience. Other arguments for using a DC connection are asynchronous coupling, controllability and environmental issues. The HVDC techniques are not new, but recently there seems to be a growing social basis. In most cases the government gives the impulse to build a HVDC connection, but what drives them to that decision?


The NorNed link is an HVDC connection. This is the first time the Netherlands are involved in an HVDC project, the link leads from Eemshaven (Netherlands) to Feda (Norway). The connection should lead to power trading between the two countries and increases the reliability of the electricity supply. Once completed, NorNed will be the longest high-voltage submarine cable in the world.


Defense Engineering

Een jaar lang hebben een aantal studenten zich vol enthousiasme ingezet om voor studievereniging Thor een succesvol symposium te organiseren. Dit symposium moet zowel voor studenten als het bedrijfsleven interessant zijn. Voor studenten kan een dergelijk symposium een mooie aanvulling op het curriculum vormen, terwijl het bedrijfsleven de kans krijgt met studenten in discussie te gaan.
Het was niet moeilijk om een 'hot' topic te vinden voor dit symposium. De oorlog in Irak, terrorisme bestrijding en verschillende internationale incidenten zorgden ervoor dat oorlogstechnologie volop in de media wordt behandeld. Nieuwe technologische ontwikkelingen moeten ervoor zorgen dat er sneller, effectiever en met minder bijkomende schade geopereerd kan worden. In veel van deze hightech ontwikkelingen speelt de elektrotechniek een belangrijke rol.
Veel landen steken veel tijd en moeite in het ontwikkelen van militair materieel. Voorbeelden zijn intelligente radarsystemen, compleet nieuw ontworpen straaljagers en verbeterde combat field management systemen. Dit alles kan niet zonder goed opgeleide ingenieurs. Naast het informeren van de toekomstige ingenieur over de nieuwste technieken, zal het symposium hen ook enthousiasmeren over deze hightech ontwikkelingen.