On Monday the 3rd of October, the 266th General Members Meeting of e.t.s.v. Thor will commence. I would like to invite you on behalf of the 65th Board. The GMM will take place in the colloquium on floor 6 (Flux 6.154), will start at 17:30 o’clock, and will be suspended no later than 23:00 o’clock. The GMM will continue on Tuesday the 4th and Wednesday the 5th of October. On Tuesday it will take place in Flux 0.150, will start at 17:30 o’clock, and will be suspended no later than 23:00 o’clock, and on Wednesday it will take place in the colloquium on floor 6, will start at 19:00 o’clock, and will be suspended no later than 03:00 o’clock.
We have planned Thursday the 6th of October as a backup date, in case, not all topics can be discussed during the first three days. We will however try our best to finish the GMM in the above-mentioned three days. On Thursday the GMM will then take place in Flux 0.150, will start at 18:00 o’clock, and will be suspended no later than 23:00 o’clock.
We aim to address topics 1 to 16 on
Monday, 17 to 27 on
Tuesday, and 28 to 40 on
Thursday is a backup date.
Since agenda point 17, which we will discuss at the start of Tuesday, might be a delicate discussion point, we ask everyone not to consume alcohol beforehand.
The Board suggests the following agenda:
- Opening
- Determining agenda
- Mail in/out
- Announcements
- VAT Het Walhalla
- Draft car
- Memorandum
- Minutes 261st GMM
- Minutes 262nd GMM
- Minutes 263rd GMM
- Minutes 264th GMM
- Minutes 265th GMM
- Annual reports committees
- Ivaldi
- Discharge
- Discharge
- Aegir
- CoCo
- DisCo
- Budget
- FoodCo
- FotoCo
- Discharge
- Garmr
- PCBiertjes
- SnowCo
- SportCo
- Discharge
- TilliT
- Discharge
- Volundr
- Discharge
- WebCo
- Kvasir
- Discharge
- Discharge ZomerGalaCo
- Annual reports master associations
- Waldur
- Odin
- Eir
- Update LuCo
- Update education
- Update Commissioners of External Affairs
- Proposal discharge Board 2021-2022
- Annual report Thor
- Annual result Het Walhalla
- Annual result Thor
- Report Expertcommissie 2021-2022
- Election Expertcommissie 2022-2023
- Report KasCo 2021-2022
- Election KasCo 2022-2023
- Policy candidate Board 2022-2023
- Budget Het Walhalla
- Budget Thor
- Election Board 2022-2023
- Report Board 2021-2022
- Discharge Vanir 2021-2022
- Discharge WaCo 2021-2022
- Any other business I
- Invitation of questions II
- Discharge Board 2021-2022 and installation Board 2022-2023
- Discharge Expertcommissie 2021-2022 and installation Expertcommissie 2022-2023
- Discharge KasCo 2021-2022 and installation KasCo 2022-2023
- Determining minimal amount of GMMs 2022-2023
- Any other business II
- Invitation of questions II
- Closing
Flux 0.150
Tuesday 04-10-2022
17:30 - 23:00