The 13th lustrum of e.t.s.v. Thor is coming up soon! There will be 5 weeks of events and parties, all to celebrate our 65th Birthday! This subscription list is meant for those of us who would like to get a reminder once all separate events are available on the website and when the subscriptions open. Furthermore, we already have some dates and (tentative) times for the biggest events:
- November 30th - Member day
- December 8th – Big lustrum party in Het Walhalla (16:30-00:00)
- December 20th – Lustrum book release (12:30-13:30)
- December 23rd – Oude Bokkenborrel (16:30-19:00) followed by the Gala from 19:00 onwards
If you want to be kept up to date on when the subscriptions open, feel free to subscribe!
Thursday 03-11-2022