Interest List Reisco

Reisco – The Intercontinental Travel Committee – is organizing an exciting trip for the summer of 2025!
We will be traveling outside of Europe. (The location will be revealed later)
 The cost for the trip will be all-inclusive, covering food, flights, and accommodation, with a total estimated price of €2400 excluding deposit.
We are also offering business cases, which are work assignments taking place in Q3 and/or Q4 of this year. These will involve collaborating with a group within the department. Upon completing a business case, you’ll receive a €1000 discount, reducing the total trip cost to approximately €1400 excluding deposit.
Please note that we will have 23 participants on this trip, excluding Reisco members and two supervisors from the department. There will be 15 business cases available, but assignment of a business case is not guaranteed, so please plan for the full trip cost.
This year, we are introducing a deposit system, meaning everyone, regardless of business case involvement, will need to pay a deposit.
An information night will be held soon, after which you can sign up for the participant list. From this list, 23 people will be randomly selected to join the trip.
Important Notes:
• First-year students are not eligible for this trip, as the business cases require more advanced knowledge.
• All prices are estimates and may still change.
• This sign-up is for the interest list. Your position on this list has no influence on the final participant selection.
• Completing a business case is roughly equivalent to 5 ECTS worth of work. If assigned one, participation is mandatory, so ensure it fits your schedule.

Tuesday 01-07-2025