
Aero team Eindhoven

 Welcome to Aero Team Eindhoven – where innovation meets the sky! Our mission is to revolutionize high-priority package delivery through cutting-edge drone technology. Picture this: a seamless network of aerial highways connecting vital logistical points, allowing drones to soar through the skies with unparalleled efficiency. 

 Envision a drone gracefully navigating our sky-high network. As its battery approaches depletion, it signals our system for a quick refuel. In an instant, a smaller drone launches from the nearest refuelling station. It will interlock in mid-air and swap the empty battery to a full one. The result? A lightning-fast battery swap that propels the cargo drone to endless flights, delivering packages fast, sustainably, and over bigger distances. 

 Within our team we currently employ multiple Electrical Engineers in the fields of PCB Design and Control Systems Engineering. We are still focused on recruiting many more Electrical Engineers for positions such as PCB Designers, Embedded Systems Engineers and Control Systems Engineers. Our PCB Designers will be extensively working on the battery swap components, such as the protective shields. Our Embedded Systems Engineers will be creating the necessary components for our drone to be able to dock to its moving target. Finally, our Control Systems Engineers will be responsible for the “brains” of the drone, handling how the drone will approach and dock the target.

 But we're more than just innovative technology; we're a community of aviation enthusiasts here at TU/e! Join us, and you'll gain hands-on knowledge in building and piloting drones, sharing your passion for aerospace engineering with like-minded peers. 


  • Dave Leunissen; Business & Personnel Manager 
  • Horsten 83 5612 AX Eindhoven
  • d.leunissen@aeroteameindhoven.nl