Tappersopdracht Simon

What do you call a locomotive on the first day of their job? 
A trainee.
I hope you all have a wonderful summer vacation and go on lots of trips! 
Speaking of journeys, let's take a moment to explore the TU/e campus, a vibrant hub of knowledge and innovation. As you may already be aware, the campus has established itself as a smoke-free environment, prioritizing the health and well-being of its community. However, despite these guidelines, there are still a few individuals who choose not to comply with this rule.
But fear not! Thomas and Sir Topham Hatt, our enthusiastic and determined friends, have come up with a plan to initiate a change of mindset among those who have yet to embrace a smoke-free lifestyle. Help Thomas start a train of thought in these peoples heads. 
Come to Het Walhalla on the 6th of September and watch Thomas the vape engine, chug towards a smoke free campus.

Het Walhalla
Wednesday 06-09-2023
16:30 - 19:00