Tappersopdracht Anh: "Antoon's K-pop karaoke extravaganza"

Height. Food. Music. Beer. Long ago the four pinnacles of Het Walhalla lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Height nation attacked. Only the legendary artist Antoon and his K-pop band can stop them. Although masters of Asian culture, they need YOUR help before they can integrate the elements of Asian culture into Het Walhalla. 

Using their expertise in this secret technique called “karaoke,” they can defeat the nefarious Height lord; however, they need you to help raise them above the Height lord. 

So come support Antoon and his K-pop band in Het Walhalla on the 28th of May from 16.30-19.00. And I will believe that the legendary artist Antoon and his K-pop band can save Het Walhalla. 

P.S. Het Walhalla will sell Vietnamese fried spring rolls

Het Walhalla
Tuesday 28-05-2024
16:30 - 19:00