First Roof Terrace Drink

Disclaimer: Due to an activity for next year students, this drink could get canceled.

subscriptions open at 18.30

For the first time in 2021, Het Walhalla will be open again. As of the 28th terraces are allowed to open up again, this means our roof terrace will be open for business! Do take note of the time as this is different from our usual times.
Additional rules regarding covid: 
  • There is a maximum of 45 seats available, these will be indicated and are the only optional places to sit.
  • Stay seated as much as possible
  • Make a reservation beforehand
  • Listen to the supervisors and Tappers
  • Wear a facemask when walking to and from your table
Op Het Walhalla!

Roof terrace
Wednesday 28-04-2021
15:00 - 18:00