COMSOL online workshop

In this 2 hour online introduction session we will help you learn how to use COMSOL Multiphysics . The session is at an introductory level where we address important modeling techniques used in almost all analysis types and multiphysics simulations. We’ll use a small deck of slides in combination with live modeling demonstrations. A homework exercise is presented at the end of the session. The goal is to quickly immerse you in the main aspects of COMSOL Multiphysics so that you feel comfortable with most of the commands accessible from the user interface. From that point on you're ready to find your way the extensive set of example models that are found in the COMSOL Multiphysics application library. 

By considering four different models, we will bring out points to help you understand the essence of each step in the modeling process. In particular, we will consider: 

- Modeling with COMSOL Multiphysics 

- Essential geometry modeling techniques 

- Specifying physics conditions 

- Couplings between physics 

- Using expressions 

- Essential mesh generation techniques 

- Analysis type and some solver choices 

- Essential postprocessing options 

This course is a good starting point for a follow up course on more advanced topics in modeling with COMSOL Multiphysics , for instance geometry and meshing techniques, solver settings and dedicated physics. Please note that we advise to take a few breaks in between as it is online.

If you are interested in this workshop then subscribe at:
If you subscribe via the 
link then you will receive a trial version of the Myltiphysics software a few days prior to the workshop.
Also subscribe via the Thor site.

Monday 17-05-2021
10:00 - 12:00