275th GMM Day 2

On Tuesday the 21st of November, the second day of the 275th General Members Meeting of e.t.s.v. Thor will commence. I would like to invite you on behalf of the 66th Board. The GMM will take place in Flux 0.150, will start at 18:00 o’clock, and will be suspended no later than 22:45 o’clock. The GMM will continue Wednesday the 22nd of November. It will take place in Flux Colloquium 6 (6.154), will start at 18:00 o’clock, and will be suspended no later than 02:00 o’clock.
The Board suggests the following agenda:
  1.  Opening
  2.  Determining agenda
  3. Mail in/out
  4. Memorandum
  5. Announcements
  6. Annual reports committees
    1. Ivaldi
      1. Discharge
    2. ACCI
      1. Discharge
    3. Aegir
    4. WebCo
    5. Garmr
    6. CoCo
    7. DisCo
    8. FoodCo
      1. Discharge
    9. FotoCo
      1. Discharge
    10. HR en statutencommissie
    11. Discharge
    12. SnowCo
    13. SportCo
    14. TACo
    15. Volundr
    16. Kvasir
  7. Annual reports master associations
    1. Waldur
    2. Odin
    3. Eir
  8. Alcohol covenant 
  9. Update Commissioners of External Affairs
  10. Update education
  11. Annual report Thor
  12. Annual result Het Walhalla
  13. Annual result Thor
  14. Report Expertcommissie 2022-2023
  15. Election Expertcommissie 2023-2024
  16. Report KasCo 2021-2022
  17. Election KasCo 2022-2023
  18. Policy candidate Board 2023-2024
  19. Budget Het Walhalla
  20. Budget Thor
  21. Election Board 2023-2024
  22. Report Board 2022-2023
  23. Any other business I
  24. Invitation of questions I
  25. Discharge Board 2022-2023 and installation Board 2023-2024
  26. Discharge Expertcommissie 2022-2023 and installation Expertcommissie 2023-2024
  27. Discharge KasCo 2022-2023 and installation KasCo 2023-2024
  28. Determining minimal amount of GMMs 2023-2024
  29. Any other business II
  30. Invitation of questions II
  31. Closing

Flux 0.150
Tuesday 21-11-2023
18:00 - 23:00